Jim Palazzo for Place 7, CISD Board of Trustees
Part one of a two part series.
Q: brEach candidate in this year's campaign has promised fiscal restraint tobrtaxpayers. What specific actions orbrproposals do you recommend to balance the budget and maintain fiscalbrresponsibility?
A: Jim Palazzo – I am a hospital/physician practicebradministrator by training. I have been in the business of offering critical life-savingbrmedical and surgical services to the public. Each year, the budget requests inbrany hospital are greater than the funds available. The responsibility of hospital leadership isbrto prioritize budget requests in order to fit expenditures into the availablebrrevenue. CISD is spending about 2% more than it is taking in. We are VERY CLOSEbrto balancing our budget. I believe that we can and must close the 2% gap inbrorder to balance our budget, while at the same time protecting our schoolbrprograms. I also believe that we should work with the City of Southlake, andbrour state representatives to find new sources of revenue without raising ourbrlocal taxes.
Q: Protect the Tradition is at the verybrheart of this school district. What doesbrthe phrase mean to you and exactly how do you intend to fulfill that commitmentbrif elected?
A: Jim Palazzo - CISD has a long tradition of academic,brextracurricular and sports excellence. We have a state-wide and also nationalbrreputation. I was speaking with one of our former Southlake Mayors who said ourbracademic and sports traditions go all the way back to the 1960’s. The traditionbris one of excellence, achievement, and thriving in competition. If elected – Ibrintend to protect that tradition by working with full-time schoolbradministrators, teachers, and parents – and supporting a strategic plan andbrbudget that allows us to continue to “protect the tradition”.
Meet his opponent, Chris Archer. Part 1 of 2.
Meet Place 6 Candidates, Matt Kormann and Sam Torolopoulos.