Spring VolleyballbrGears Up for March
The Southlake Parks and Recreation Youth Volleyball programbroffers two different girls volleyball leagues — Division I and Division II —brand three age divisions, including 8, 10 and 12 years old. Division I is forbrplayers with more advanced skills who want to sharper their skills inbrpreparation for school tryouts in the fall. Division II is a recreationalbrleague that introduces the sport to new players.
Carroll UIL RanksbrHigh at Invitational
The Carroll Academic Team placed third in overall standingsbrfollowing the Flower Mound High School UIL A Invitational Meet. Southlake ranksbrthird out of 25 schools that competed. The team is now gearing up for its nextbrmatch at Denton Ryan High School UIL B Invitational Meet.
Carroll Senior Singsbrinto All-State Choir
Carroll senior Colton Hess was selected to represent CarrollbrChoirs in the 2014 All-State Mixed Choir at the Texas Music EducatorsbrAssociation convention. All-State is the highest honor a Texas music studentbrcan receive. More than 1,500 students are chosen among more than 55,000 studentsbrfrom around the state, competing for this honor to perform in one of 13brensembles.
Westlake StudentsbrAttend International Leadership Symposium
Six Westlake Academy students are on a mission to share thebrimportance of water conservation. At the beginning of the New Year, thebrstudents and two Westlake leaders returned from Muscat, Oman after attendingbrthe International Leadership Symposium at American-British Academy. Goingbrforward, the students will now educate others about efforts that will make abrdifference in their community. As a result, the Westlake Academy students arebrnow on a mission to share the importance of water conservation by educatingbrothers about efforts that will make a difference in their community. WestlakebrAcademy student Gabi Swistara explains that attending the symposium allowed herbrgain awareness about the need to conserve water. Additionally, she learned thebrimportant roles water plays in everyday life, besides showering and drinkingbrpurposes. The six Westlake Academy students are currently in the processbrof starting a club that is focuses on water conservation, cultural awarenessbrand human rights.
Dragon Soccer CoachbrReceives National Honor
The NationalbrFederation of State High School Coaches Association named Carroll Dragon coachbrGreg Oglesby the National Boys Soccer Coach of the Year. Oglesby is one of 21brcoaches across the country honored in boys and girls sports. The awardbrrecognizes the 2012-2013 school year. Last season, the Dragons went 21-4-4 andbrfinished as Class 5A Region I semifinalists.
Pantera DirectorbrEarns Director of the Year Award
Colleyville Heritage High School's Pantera director KellibrWoodruff was named the Texas Dance Educators Association (TDEA) Director of thebrYear. Woodruff was nominated by a TDEA member and was named as one of threebrsemifinalists. To receive the honor, the candidate must receive the majoritybrvotes from the more than 500 members of TDEA who attend the annual convention.
GCISD Students NamedbrAll-State Musicians
The Grapevine Colleyville Independent School District FinebrArts department announced six All-State Musicians for 2013-2014. These studentsbrwere selected at the final audition from more than 15,000 across Texas.brAll-State students will perform a grand concert with their organization at thebrannual Texas Music Educators convention.
BNHS Earns FinalistbrSpot for Scholarship
Madison Edwards is one of the Davey O'Brien Foundation finalistsbrfor its 2013 Davey O'Brien High School Scholarship Award. The scholarship isbrpresented each year to an exceptional senior student-athlete in the North Texasbrarea. The recipient of the award will receive a $30,000 scholarship. The foundationbrwill also award a $2,500 scholarship to each of the four remaining finalists.
NISD Award ASBObrMeritorious Budget Award
The Northwest Independent School District received thebrAssociation of School Business Officials International Meritorious Budget Awardbrfor the 13th consecutive year. The district received the award forbrits 2013-2014 annual budget that was submitted for rigorous review, which focusesbron the district’s skills in development, analyzing and presenting of thebrbudget.
Robotics Team EyesbrRegional Championship
The Carroll Dragon Robotics team qualified for the RegionalbrChampionship tournament following a successful finish in the FTC RegionalbrQualifiers in Mansfield. Carroll had two of the 20 robots entered in the event.brAdditionally Carroll also earned the Connect Award, which is given to teamsbrthat are most connected with their local community and engineering community.brAdditionally, the Robotics team earned the Inspire Award, which focuses on thebrteam that embodies the challenge of the FTC program.
Colleyville DiscussesbrNew Water and Sewage Plan
Colleyville City Council members agreed to consider updatingbrthe city's water master plan by developing a new sewage master plan. Thebroriginal water master plan dates back to 1998 and received an update in 2002. Abrrecently adopted Capital Improvement Plan allots $1 million annually for waterbrand sewer infrastructure renewal, which will be used to create a new masterbrplan.
CHHS Junior EarnsbrPerfect ACT Score
Colleyville Heritage High School junior John Moynihanbrreceived the highest possible score on his ACT. Less than one-tenth of 1brpercent of all test takers earns the top score of 36. A stellar score will helpbrMoynihan to begin his search for the best college. He hopes to study eitherbrchemical or aerospace engineering.
2014 Carroll ISDbrBoard Election Filing is Underway
The Carroll Independent School District General TrusteebrElection is slated for May 10; however, election filings are in process.brCandidates are required to file an application for a place on the ballot. The schoolbrboard consists of seven trustees elected at-large to serve three-year terms.brMembers are elected by position with terms staggering a three-year term. Thebrlast day to register to vote in the general election will be April 10.
Carroll Diving andbrSwimming Teams Earn District Championship
The Carroll Independent School District swimming and divingbrteams held on to their top spot rank, earning 4-5A District championship. Thebrteams will now advance to the region championship. Last year, the Dragons andbrcoach Kevin Murphy continued its state role in swimming and diving, settingbrmeet point records.
Brett LepicierbrReceives Stalcup Award
Carroll Dragon senior Brett Lepicier earned the 2012-2013brStalcup Award. This award is in memory of Dragon football coach CharliebrStalcup, who earned a reputation of dedication, perseverance and determination.brAs a result, Brett also represents these quality characteristics. The KiwanisbrClub of Southlake awarded the cup and a $1,500 scholarship to Brett.
Archer Family LeadsbrGRACE Gala Campaign
Stacy and Chris Archer will lead the 2014 GRACE Gala. ThebrArcher's, through their company, Associated Time & Parking Controls, have abrhistory of sponsoring the Gala for several years. Last year, Stacy and Chrisbrchaired the Table Sales Committee, attributing to the highest attendees GRACEbrGala has witnessed. Stacy is president of the Dawson Middle SchoolbrParent-Teacher Organization. Additionally, Chris was elected to the Carroll ISDbrSchool Board in 2012. Additionally, Stacy chairs the annual Fashion Show forbrthe National Charity League in Southlake. Meanwhile, Chris serves as a memberbrof the Southlake Executive Form and sits on the School Health AdvisorybrCouncil. Together, the dynamic duo are sponsors and volunteers for groupsbrsuch as the Young Men's Service League, Southlake's Art in the Square, thebrCarroll Education Foundation and Promises for Tomorrow.
13 Student AthletesbrParticipate in National Signing Day
More than a dozen Carroll Dragon athletes signed scholarshipsbrin football, cross country and soccer at Carroll Senior High School. Thebrsignees include cross country and track stars Connor Henderickson, Jacob Picklebrand Samantha Young who will all attend the University of Texas. Carroll Dragonbrseniors Adaryan Jonesbrand JB Copeland are committed to New Mexico State and willbrcontinue to be football powerhouses for the Aggies. Similarly, Dragonbrcaptain senior Evan Brown signedbrwith Southern Methodist University. Future Husker Drew Brown isbrfollowing in his big brother Kris Brown's footsteps. Son of former DallasbrCowboy A.J. Tolbert will carry on the family tradition at Abilene ChristianbrUniversity. Steven Bergmark accepted a scholarship from Tarleton Statebrwhere he will continue to be a powerhouse for the Texas Rider defensive line.brOther student athletes include soccer stars Walker Beasley, Alya Shams and EmmabrScheffler.
Grapevine High SchoolbrFootball Coach Heads to Denton
Football coach and boys athletic director at Grapevine HighbrSchool Dan Henigan accepted a coaching job at Ryan High School in DentonbrIndependent School District. GHS Assistant Head Coach Kyle Burch will take overbras head coach in an interim role and spring activities will continue. Districtbrand campus leaders are in the process of finding the best candidate to takebrover Henigan's position. GHS principal Shannon Tovar said Henigan's influencebrextended far beyond athletics and his legacy will continue under the leadershipbrof Burch and the experience of the football coaching team.
Dragon Senior WresterbrTakes Home State Title
Carroll Dragon senior wrestler Michael Basler entered thebrUIL state-wrestling tournament ranked No. 3, but put out his best effort in thebrstate when it counted most. Michael won the state championship by pinningbrArlington Bowie's Abbas Moundshed at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland. Hebrfinished third at the regional tournament and set his sights on taking home thebrstate title. Michael ended his high school career with two state tournamentbrappearances.
Westlake AcademybrAppoints Executive Principal/Director of Education
Westlake Academy recently appointed ExecutivebrPrincipal/Director of Education Mechelle Bryson. Bryson will serve as thebrsenior on-campus educational leader at Westlake Academy. She will have directbroversight of the G11-12 Diploma Programme. She believes the development ofbrindividuals and teams is critical for the overall success of any school. Brysonbrhas experience with various educational initiatives that she gained at her timebrwith Coppell Independent School District.