Four City Council candidates are running for office, including Martin Schelling and Shahid Shafi in Place 1.
Incumbent Martin Schelling filed on the first day to run again for the Place 1 spot. We got a chance to talk with Schelling about his vision if chosen for the candidacy.
Martin Schelling
Why are you running for City Council?
I believe that it is important to give back to the communitybrthat you live in and I believe with my years of service to the City, I am ablebrto make informed and objective decisions which will be in the best interests ofbrour citizens and our city.
Explain why Southlakebrresidents should vote for you?
I have lived in Southlake 21.5 years and have volunteeredbrfor the City 20 years. My experience included 3 years on the City Council, 13bryears on the Crime Control and Prevention District and 8 years on SPIN. I ambrfair, objective and I treat all parties professionally and I am the morebrqualified person in the race.
How are you planningbron improving the City of Southlake?
I will insure that we keep our very high quality of standardsbrfor both our residential and commercial developments. I will make sure webrcontinue to invest in our infrastructure to improve our roads, parks andbrsidewalks. Continue working with our schools districts to insure our childrenbrget the best education possible.
What are some of your priorities on your list if re-electedbrfor the position?
Insure that we have the safest environment for our schoolsbrand our City. Insure that we have adequate water supplies for our community.brImprove our mobility in town. Continue to be a fiscal conservative and a goodbrsteward of the tax payer's money. Make sure we partner with our neighboringbrcities, our county and our school district to make our dollars go farther.
Surgeon and local resident Shahid Shafi is also running for the Southlake City Council Place 1 spot.
Shahid Shafi
Why are you running for city council?
To serve the citizens of Southlake.
Explain why Southlake residents should vote for you.
I will work hard to protect and preserve the quality of life we have comebrto enjoy in Southlake.
How are you planning on improving the city of Southlake?
By attracting high quality residential and commercial development andbrmaintaining superior municipal services for our
What are some of the priorities on your list if elected for the position?
Maintaining medium to low density housing, reducing traffic, andbrsupporting our schools.