It's been years in thebrmaking, and the big day is almost here: Miracle League of Southlake will kickbroff its inaugural season at Bicentennial Park on September 26. A grand-openingbrceremony will commemorate the occasion at 9 a.m. and the first official gamesbrwill begin at 10 a.m.
There are currently 136brplayers (exceeding the original goal of 100) who will play on 12 teams based onbrage and ability. Six minor teams (age 11 and younger) and four major teams (agebr12 and older) will play on the Miracle Field.
Additionally, twobrcompetitive teams will play on Field 6 adjacent to the Miracle Field. Thesebrcompetitive players will play at a higher level with an umpire catching ballsbrand strikes as well as players throwing batters out at first or catching flybrballs.
Everybody is ready tobrplay ball – uniforms are ordered for each team, player buddies have beenbrrecruited, team parents are ready to help manage players in the dugout,brannouncers are secured, and umpires are recruited and ready to call the plays.brAll that’s needed are fans in the stands to cheer on the players. We’ll bebrthere – will you?