Kelly Dennis, Head Coach
“My mantra is you are stronger than you think. When given a challenge, we overcome by believing in ourselves.”
THE BEST ADVICE… I’ve ever received was to learn and grow from your mistakes. Some of my best life lessons have been learned from mistakes. The key is not to repeat them.
I’M MOST PROUD OF… my entrepreneurial spirit – that I envisioned, built and successfully grew a woman’s only fitness studio in my hometown over five years.
MY BIGGEST MOTIVATOR IS… gaining an understanding of the psychology of our members and strategically implementing attainable goals for them to achieve success.
I BELIEVE YOUNG WOMEN SHOULD… learn to love themselves for who they are. Acceptance is a reflection of how we present ourselves, view the world, overcome adversity and adapt to change.
THE GREATEST CHALLENGE… I overcame was accepting my diagnosis with bladder cancer and the untimely passing of my brother, all within 45 days. It’s all about faith – believing battles are given to us to make us stronger. I am in remission currently because I have faith that our Creator has healed me through a world-class doctor who has given me hope that I’m going to live a long, healthy life.
MY MOST REWARDING MOMENT… was when a former employee reached out to me five years after we worked together to tell me how I significantly impacted her life through her performance reviews.