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Suffering through the sniffling and sneezing searchingbrfor some relief? Some of us suffer all year long with indoor allergies. If you are plagued by allergies or asthma, you have probablybrconsidered buying an air purifier. But is it worth the trouble and the expense?brWill it even help?
Indoor air can be 10 times more polluted than the air outside. Moisture and humidity cause mold and mildew to grow. Airbrconditioning systems circulatebrdust and bacteria throughout the house — pet dander and fur, too. Smokers alsobrpump even more toxins into the air. Pollen and other outdoor allergens are broughtbrindoors through open doors and windows and on our clothes. The building itselfbrreleases toxins from the building materials. Everything from the carpet and upholsterybrto the wood and drywall emits some sort of toxin. Buying an airbrpurifier seems like an easy decision, right? Before you buy, you should do extensive research.brThere are so many air purifiers out there — some work and others don't.
Ionizing Purifiers
These purifiers charge air particles to attract and remove contaminates from the air. These charged particles have a small but intense electrical field that attracts particles in the air that clump together and settle out of the air. However, they are still there in your environment.
Ozone Generators
An ozone generator is similar to an ionizing purifier, but it alters molecules of the oxygen and turns them into ozone. Manufacturers claim the ozone deodorizes and disinfects the air. But, ozone is not a stable molecule and it will readily combine with other chemicals that may be in the air. This can create new compounds that can be more dangerous than the ozone itself. Ozone can also be an irritant that aggravates asthma and may cause lung damage.
Many purifiers use an adsorbent material (like activated charcoal) to remove odors, fumes and chemicals from the air. The charcoal's surface is very porous and has a high surface area to capture air contaminates.
UV Light
Ultraviolet radiation renders certain microorganisms harmless by sterilizing the air as it passes through, eliminating the potential harm of airborne bacteria and viruses.
Filters (air cleaners)
Some air purifiers (including HEPA — High Efficiency ParticulatebrAir filters) pass the airbrthrough removable filters that trap contaminates. You will have to replacingbrthe filters regularly to keep them functioning properly, which can getbrexpensive. They can also restrict airflow through the system, which causes abrdrop in overall efficiency.
Scientific testing revealed many air purifiers weren'tbreffective. Some of the models tested by Consumer Reports didn’tbrperform well. Some air purifiers were quiet enough to use in a bedroom whilebrsleeping, but other models only worked well at higher (and louder) speeds,brwhich were too loud for sleeping. Some models didn’t circulate enough airbrthrough the machine to be effective. brManufacturer recommendations call for a certain size air purifiers for abrspecific size room. However, some purifiers were found to clean more air runningbrat a lower speed than a smaller one run at a higher speed.
Some doctors and HVAC professionals don't usually recommendbrbuying any air purifier before making improvements to the indoor air quality. Suchbras:
· brBanbrsmoking inside and outside the house.
· brUsebrthe HVAC system to circulate the air. Replace all the filters regularly.
· brReplacebrcarpeting with smooth flooring instead. It is much easier to keep clean.
· brKeepbrthe pets outside when possible. If keeping them in the yard isn't always anbroption, keep them out of the bedrooms and off the furniture.
· brKeepbryour windows and doors closed (at home, in the car, etc.). Pollen and otherbroutdoor contaminates will get into your clothes.
· brUsebrthe hottest water possible when doing your laundry to eliminate dust mites.
· brAvoid furniturebrthat collects dust.
If youbrhave tried these tactics (or others), and you're still suffering, it might bebrtime to consider adding an air filter. Of course, there are different optionsbrto consider. But, an air purifier alone won't relieve asthma or allergy symptoms.
In-ductbrair filters are placed inside the air ducts in each room of your home behindbrthe vents. Most HVAC systems already have a filter at the central air returnbrbefore the air goes back into the HVAC unit. brAdding in-duct filters increases frequency that the air is filtered. Thisbralso means more filters to buy and replace regularly.
If you don't have an HVAC system, a portable air cleaner may be your best option.brThese air purifiers use a fan to circulate the air and one (or more) airbrcleaning systems described earlier. These types of air cleaners might bebrportable, but they can only clean the air in one room at a time. If you do decide to purchase an air purifier, itbris recommended to buy a model that does not produce even a small amount of ozone.
Your HVAC professionals, like Berkeys, can help youbrbreathe easier. Most have servicebror maintenance plans to keep your HVAC system in top condition. Theybrcan also provide advice and equipment to humidify and improve indoor airbrquality.
You can call Berkeys AirbrConditioning & Plumbing 24/7 at 817-481-5869 or email us online through our websitebrat www.Berkeys.com for questions and scheduling information.