For the second-annual Give Back Challenge, Carroll ISD is collecting gift cards for good. The district invites all 11 campuses to collect as many gift cards as possible to help those affected by HurricanebrHarvey. Campuses can collect gift cards through Friday, September 15, when thebrwinner will be announced during the game at Dragon Stadium. The campus with thebrlargest quantity of gift cards (based on a percentage of overall studentbrenrollment), will be named the year's Compassion Cup winner. The winner will bebrbased on quantity, not dollar amount raised.
Ozarka is taking thebrchallenge one step further—it will donate one half-liter bottle of Ozarka®brBrand Water and $1 (up to a maximum total of $5,000 and 5,000 bottles) forbrevery gift card collected by CISD under this program.
Each gift card should bebrat least a $5 value, and all gift cards should be labeled with the dollarbramount when dropped off at the front office of each campus or thebradministration building. The most-needed gift cards include Visa/MasterCard/brAMEX, Walmart, Target, Kroger, H-E-B, Lowe's, Home Depot, Walgreens, CVS, andbrfast food restaurants.
Going to the home openerbrat Dragon Stadium? Carroll and Rockwall fans are invited to donate gift cardsbron Friday night. Volunteers will be at the home and visitor entrances tobrcollect donations. The gift cards will be sent to Southeast Texas schoolbrdistricts.