The DMS Wind Ensemble,brcomprised of 54 Dawson Middle School students, spent the summer rising up thebrranks of Texas bands. The ensemble placed first at the Region and Area levels,brand took home fifth place in the State Honor Band Contest.
“Our students spentbrcountless hours in rehearsals, sectionals and individual practice to performbrchallenging music at the highest level. I am so proud of their achievements,brand it has been my honor to guide them through this process,” says RebeccabrClick, band director at Dawson Middle School. “This group has set a newbrstandard, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds for the bandbrprogram.”
Judges evaluate at thebrRegion level and recommend the top two bands from each of the 32 regions to thebrArea level. The top two bands from each of Texas' eight Areas are thenbrrecommended to the State level, where they are evaluated, and one band is namedbrthe Texas State Honor Band. Out of 16 state finalists, the DMS Wind Ensemblebrplaced fifth.