Southlake Carroll's GregbrOglesby, head soccer coach and Carroll Senior High's 2016-2017 Teacher of thebrYear, has a way with words. Oglesby was awarded Best Essay from Region 11 at abrspecial awards banquet at the Hurst Conference Center on August 3. The banquet,brhosted by the Education Service Center Region 11 and funded by the EECU creditbrunion, recognized all of the teachers of the year from school districts in thebrnorth central Texas region.
Oglesby's essay was inbrresponse to the question: Describe a project orbrinitiative in which you have been involved that contributed to the improvementbrof overall school culture. What was your role, how did you involve others, andbrwhere is this project today?
“It wasbrtruly an honor and very humbling to be recognized for my response. Tobrlisten to my essay being read to over 500 teachers and administrators from thebr44 districts represented was a thrilling experience,” says Oglesby. “Tobrrepresent Carroll ISD as our 2017 Secondary Teacher of the Year is the highestbracademic honor I have received in my educational career. I felt an enormousbrsense of pride; pride in our school district and community.”
The Teacher of the Year program,brsponsored by the Texas Association of School Administrators, allows districtsbrto submit one elementary and one secondary candidate to compete at the regionalbrand state levels. In all, 72 teachers in Region 11 participated in this year'sbrcompetition.
“To bebrhonored as an essay winner was a very special moment that illuminated mybrprofession, which is the finest work I know,” Oglesby says.