Grapevine gets greenbrlight for new attraction
An up-and-coming amusement park will make its way tobrGrapevine in 2014 — Microland America. The main attraction will feature a tinybrfaux Mt. Rushmore, bonsai gardens and miniature self-operated trains.
Grapevine City Council presentedbrthe plan in October, billing the upcoming amusement park as the “world's firstbrall-natural, miniature themed entertainment attraction.” Microland America willbrinclude a 12,675-square-foot building, coupled with a 1-acre botanical garden.brThe attraction will be located on four acres at 2451 W. Grapevine Mills Cir.
The now-approved plan will also featurebra natural exhibit, which includes a retail gift shop, community and event partybrrooms and an entertainment area with interactive activities, explained MicrolandbrAmerica President Betts Hoover in a letter.
The council unanimously approved abrconditional use permit, which will allow a setback deviation needed to beginbrconstruction of the project. Admission will be $12.50 for adults and $7.50 forbrchildren. Hours of operations are slated for 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday throughbrSaturday and noon to 9 p.m. Sunday. Microland America is expected to reachbrcompletion by spring 2015.
Grubbs Infinitibrbreaks ground in Grapevine
The Grubbs family has a reputation for providing anbrexceptional car-buying experience to their customers. After more than 60 yearsbrof overwhelming growth and success, Grubbs Infiniti is moving to Grapevine duebrto the company outgrowing its current space.
The newbrdealership, which was set to break ground before the end of 2013, will offerbradditional space and convenient proximity to the majority of its clients. Thebr75,000-square-foot space will be located on 12 acres at S.H. 114 and TexasbrTrail, essentially doubling the current land and building sizes.
“We buildbrfor growth,” says the Infiniti dealership's co-owner and executive manager GeorgebrGrubbs III. “I looked at where the majority of my customers live, startedbrlooking for land and found the area in Grapevine.”
GrubbsbrInfiniti will also showcase a unique design to its dealership, which willbrinclude the cars surrounding the building on all sides compared to cars placed onlybrin front of the building.
“The building becomes like abrlounge surrounded by all of the beautiful cars,” Grubbs says. “We view our carsbras artwork, and we want to be surrounded by the artwork.”
New and Notable
Markham Jeweler
218 State St., Southlake
One-of-a-kind designer jewelry is making its way to SouthlakebrTown Square. This full-service, in-house design center features a professionalbrstaff, which has the upscale knowledge and artistic skills needed to turnbrpatrons' dreams into reality. The fine jeweler can transform one of the piecesbrin its showcase for inspiration or create a unique design based on a customer'sbrvision.
Soar Music School
2380 Lonesome Dove Rd., Southlake
Students of this ministry-minded school are able to masterbrthe art of music, which will allow them to be an invaluable part of any group.brInstructors are worship leaders, teachers and artists who are aiming to assistbrstudents in spreading their talents through various media outlets.
Nekter Bar
410 W. Southlake Blvd., Ste. 100, Southlake
Steve and Alexis Schulze are trying to save the world onebrvegetable at time. The power couple is bringing their passion for healthybrliving and community compassion to Southlake. Thinking outside the box, thebrSchulzes created a blueprint for neighborhood juice bars where fresh producebrand affordable prices are the main ingredients to jumpstart anyone's day.
Dr. Sue's Chocolate
520 S. Main St., Grapevine
Dr. Sue has one mission: to fight weight challenges bybrdelivering a healthy product — chocolate. The nutritious-loving guru is usingbrnatural fruits and local honey to enrich her sweet creations. All productsbrstart with dark, European-style chocolate, which is sprinkled with seasonedbrfruits such as blueberries, cherries and ginger. Residents and visitors inbrGrapevine will get to experience rich flavors full of nutritional integrity,brleading to a healthy lifestyle.