Photo by Mike Brooks.
If music is a universal language, then rock ‘n' roll must bebrthe hip talk of the kids. Sixteen years ago, School of Rock had a simple idea—teachbryoung people music by offering them the opportunity to play the music theybrlove. Since then, many other programs have tried to emulate this concept,brhowever, School of Rock is the standard-bearer for music education with overbr120 locations worldwide. In fact, School of Rock’s approach to music educationbrwas so successful that it even inspired a hit movie!
Today, they continue to provide a proven program forbrteaching music that nurtures students, while at the same time offering abrvaluable place to become part of a larger community. Kids often learn best bybrdoing, and the group experience is truly the secret sauce of School of Rock.
Situated at the intersection of W. Southlake Blvd and PearsonbrLane on the border of Southlake and Keller, the School of Rock opened in 2010braiming to foster a new generation of local musicians. Every private lesson and groupbrrehearsal helps students realize their potential as musical artists, with thebrfruits of their labor demonstrated at live concerts. The school offers programsbrfor toddlers through adults in vocals, keyboards, bass, drums, and guitar, andbrthe music these students learn to play is the only best, from Aerosmith tobrZeppelin.
“Learning to become a great musician is strictly based onbrthe amount of time a kid practices,” says Marty Morris, GM and Music Directorbrfor School of Rock Southlake/Keller. “Our program gets kids to play musicbrtogether, and to have them play the music they enjoy as a basis for learning. Thisbrcombination allows kids to want tobrpractice, and it builds a passion for music and performing. This philosophy isbrsuccessful—kids learn and accomplish goals at a much faster pace, without anybrsacrifice to the fundamental concepts and theories of their instruments.”
As most people are aware, there has been a steady decline inbrfunding for music education in public school programs, and what remainsbravailable is often classical in focus. School of Rock offers education in musicbrfundamentals by using the music kids love. Odds are it's the same music thatbrparents love, too, as evidenced by the level of family participation in thebrprograms and seasonal concerts.
Students at the School of Rock come away from the programbrwith even more than a love and knowledge of music. Of course they have fun, too,brbut they also learn social skills, gain confidence, develop both personalbrresponsibility and teamwork, and have an appreciation for hard work andbrstick-to-itiveness. There are students who have found a talent they didn't knowbrexisted and others who now have an outlet to grow their skills. School of Rock operatesbrat a level that is second to none, and the kids love it!
About School of Rock
Through our performance-based approach to music lessons, School of Rock students are more inspired to learn, more motivated to excel and more confident as a result. We teach guitar, bass guitar, keyboards, drums and vocals in an interactive environment.
For more information on how to get started with School ofbrRock Southlake/Keller, call 682-593-0990 or visit their website at Summer camps now enrolling!