Southlake DPS
If you grew up watching Ash catch them all or if your kids spend more time pondering over their Pokémon cards than their homework, then you are going to love Southlake DPS’ upcoming storytime event.
On Monday, July 29, from 10 to 11:30 a.m., locals are invited to attend the Southlake Poelicemon Storytime at the Station. The free outing will include police and fire vehicle displays, Pokémon tattoos, a photo booth, a sing-along and much more.
The event will also be the unveiling of the department’s new Poelicemon trading cards. Southlake DPS’ Public Information Officer says that these cards have been a long time coming and were inspired by local kids.
“We had a mom contact us a while back wanting an officer to talk to her kids about stealing. When the three boys came in, each held a stack of Pokémon cards and Officer Page and I noticed that,” Uptmore says. “He asked me to go grab some of our older baseball-style cards from his bag, and he related a story to them and gave them the cards. They liked them and added them to their decks, but still focused on the Pokémon cards.”
So Uptmore wanted to update the cards so they would resonate with today’s youth.
“I saw the cards were outdated with officers that didn't work here anymore or with profile photos that I didn't think related that well to kids,” Uptmore says. “The idea was born from that, and I started designing at once!”
Kids can pick up cards at the event. But even if your little ones aren’t die-hard fans, they will still get a kick out of all the day’s happenings.
“Anyone who loves Pokémon and seeing police officers and firefighters in person and our cool vehicles should come on out! Even if you drop in to get a pack of cards, we'd be happy to see you,” Uptmore says.
The storytime will also feature greetings and photo opportunities with a full-sized Pikachu. And Uptmore clarifies that this is no ordinary costume.
“[It’s] a good one, not like one you buy at a Halloween store in a building that used to be a Michael's.”
To learn more about this action-packed day, check out their Facebook event page. But know that after you start collecting these elaborate cards, you’re going to want to catch them all!