Two young runners wait for the start of the 2012 DFW Farm Truck 5K Fun Run
Earth Day Dallas Makes for a Texas-size Eco-gathering
Every day we enjoy our beautiful plant and its bountifulbrofferings, how about spending a couple of days this April celebrating justbrthat. From April 20 to 21, historic Fair Park in Dallas will transform into abrtribute to Planet Earth. With over 500,000 square feet of space hosting hundredsbrof exhibitors, an impressive line up of speakers as well as films, live musicbrand events, Earth Day Dallas makes for a Texas-size eco-gathering.
Participants in the free festival can explore the Eco Expo, wherebrhundreds of exhibitors offer information on environmental issues and ways tobrincorporate green ideas into everyday living. Films, music and artbrinstallations highlight eco awareness, while panels of speakers educatebrattendees on the issues facing our planet and how we can best address them.
You will definitely not want to miss Leilani Munter, one ofbrthe best female race-car drivers in the world and Discovery Planet's Green No.br1 Eco Athlete in the world, when she addresses the green matters closest to herbrheart. Take advantage of the tree-climbing opportunities available to attendeesbrover the age of five and then see how local celebrities fare in Charitree, asbrthey attempt to scale their ways to the top of live oak trees in Fair Park.brSupporters can pledge money for every milestone the climber reaches — all fundsbrgo to groups who work preserving the beautiful trees throughout the city. Can'tbrattend the festival itself? Go green by running in the Truck Farm 5K,brsupporting an organization that teaches youngsters the value of sustainablebragriculture.
This event promises to be the biggest Earth DaybrDallas yet – the 2011 Earth Day event was the second largest in the county —brattended by over 60,000 people. So arrive early and make a day of it — thebrearth will thank you!