U.S. Indoor Lacrosse announced the roster and complete coaching staff for the U.S. Junior IndoorbrLacrosse Team, which will compete in the 2015 U19 Indoor Lacrosse Challenge inbrSix Nations, Ontario, Canada this September. The roster was narrowed down frombrhundreds of lacrosse players.
Michael Cox, a 2015brCarroll grad and Southlake native, is the only player selected to play for TeambrUSA outside the Northeast. Cox was a four-year varsity letterman for thebrSouthlake Dragons. Over the past several summers, Cox has played forbrBlackwolf, a select team based in Washington D.C., and Texas United, a selectbrteam from the DFW area. This fall, Cox will be entering Siena Collegebrin Albany, New York, as a freshman to play Division 1 lacrosse for thebrSaints.
“The chance to representbrthe USA at this elite level is the ultimate honor in lacrosse,” said USILbrPresident and GM Graham D'Alvia in a press release. “I am honored and lookbrforward to the further development of this team as we represent our greatbrcountry in this sport, both on and off the turf.”
“We have assembled abrtalented and passionate group of lacrosse players who all possess several keybrattributes we were looking for to give us the best opportunity for gold inbrSeptember. Besides pure lacrosse skills, we were looking for strong character,brcoach-ability, athleticism, and a team-first attitude that all will bestbrcontribute to a family atmosphere and team success. Box lacrosse is a sportbrthat demands a do-anything-for-your-brothers attitude, and we have a group thatbrnot only will run and gun, but will get down and dirty for each other whenbrneeded,” said Team USA Junior Indoor Head Coach Randy Fraser.
“We are very proud ofbrMichael who will be representing his country, the state of Texas, and Southlakebrin the upcoming world games. It is evidence that the sport of lacrosse hasbrexperienced exponential growth across the country. It is also a tribute to thebrquality of the play and athletes found in the state of Texas,” said BartbrSullivan, Head Coach and Director for Southlake Carroll LacrossebrAssociation.
The U19 World IndoorbrLacrosse Challenge takes place at Six Nations, Iroquois Lacrosse Arena, inbrOntario, Canada September 11-13, 2015. Iroquois Nationals, Canada, CzechbrRepublic, Nordic and Germany are among the 12 teams that will join the USA inbrthe tournament.
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