The GCS Mom's League, a local nonprofitbrorganization dedicated to serving area parents, is proud tobrpresent the Great Gala charity event on April 8 at Messina Hoff Winery inbrGrapevine. Bring a date to dance the Charleston to the grooves of the JustinbrPiece Jazz Band with music from the 1920s. Dress to impress in your bestbrflapper girl or zoot suit for a great evening of wine, food and silent auctions.
The fun will begin at 7:30 p.m. andbrcontinue until 10:30 p.m. Tickets are $75 per person and include a lavish spreadbrof small plates and open wine/beer bar. Click here for tickets.
For 2017, GCS Mom's League has adopted Mosaic Family Services, a North Texas charity that aids victims of human trafficking and provides abrsafe place for families experiencing domestic violence. Mosaic is dedicated to servingbrsurvivors of human rights abuses from around the world and within our communitybrby creating access to opportunities for their clients and empowering them toward independence. All proceeds from this year’s gala will directly benefit Mosaicbrand its clients.
For more information or to learn about sponsorship opportunities,brcontact gala chair Carly Alacahan at