Who's the energetic face you see jumping up and down on the sidelines and cranking out push-ups in the end zone? That's senior CREW member Naysan Sahba. Known for being excited and getting others hyped up at all times, Naysan shines this season as a leader of the CREW – a group of students with the sole purpose of getting other Dragons pepped up at Carroll sporting events.
During his timebron the CREW, Naysan has learned that he enjoys being a part of a team wherebreach member supports each other. Naysan says being on the CREW is just one way for him to show his Dragon Pride, and to give back to the school that has given him so much.
His pregame ritual? Lots and lots of sweet tea, along with an occasional Advil.
“All the yellingbrat the games can make your head hurt,” he says. “I have to be in peak condition to sustain the hype.”
A self-declared math and science nerd, Naysan hopes to pursue an environmental or electrical engineering degree in college, and to put it to use helping others.