Carroll Cross Country wasbrunstoppable over the weekend. The Dragon varsity boys team took first place whilebrthe varsity girls placed third in the tremendously competitive UIL 6A –brDistrict 5 meet, earning the varsity teams a spot in the regional meet inbrLubbock.
The boys had a low scorebrof just 36 points, placing nine points ahead of the next team. The girls' racebrcouldn't have been any closer with the top three teams coming within just onebrpoint of each another. Both JV teams dominated the field, taking first placebrand showing the depth of the Carroll team. The top three schools in the varsitybrboys and girls divisions advance to the regional meet in Lubbock on October 23.
“We knew coming into the district meet that it was going to be extremelybrcompetitive. Our goal is to qualify for the next meet and run our best on Novemberbr4,” said head coach Justin Leonard in a press release. “I'm extremelybrproud of the way our kids stepped up and ran—onto the next one.”
The varsity Dragon boysbrdominated their race with four of the runners placing in the top 10 and thebrteam scoring only 36 points. Junior Jack Myers led the boys' team taking fourthbrplace with a time of 15:49. Jackson Felkins took fifth place running a 15:53,brJuan Arcila came in seventh with 15:59, Connor Rutledge came in ninth with abrtime of 16:04 and Vishnu Nair finished out the scoring positions in 11thbrplace running 16:10. Enzo Mortimer and Drew Bliss also competed, taking the 12thbrand 16th places respectively.
The varsity Lady Dragons finishedbrstrong with senior Cate Tracht leading the team and placing second overall withbra time of 18:01. Next to cross the line was Sofia Santamaria in 12thbrrunning an 18:47, followed by Kate Reppeto in 14th at 19:04, SarahbrMcCabe in 15th at 19:09 and Cristina Canal finishing the scoring positionsbrcoming in 18th at 19:14. Lauren Esparza and Angie Riera alsobrcompeted for the Lady Dragon team, finishing 19th and 20thbrrespectively.
JV Dragons Reign Supreme
The JV Dragon boys ran anbrimpressive race taking first place with a very low score of 21 points and had eightbrrunners finishing in the top 10 overall. The team was led by sophomore NatebrLannen finishing in first place overall, followed by Noah Castro in second, EverettbrKolto in fifth, Lucas Levant in sixth and rounding out the scoring positionsbrwas Antonio Florcruz in seventh. Duncan Brown (eighth), Chase Fisher (ninth),brOliver Arandia (10th), Tim McElaney (14th) and NickbrArriaza (16th) completed the top 10 spots for the Dragons.
The JV Lady Dragons showedbrhow deep their talent goes by nabbing the top seven finishing positions overallbrand with a perfect score of 15, sweeping the race. Leading for the Lady Dragonsbrwas sophomore Rima Toure taking first, followed by Grace Williamson in second,brLydia Lo in third, Shreya Veeravelli in fourth, and rounding out the scoringbrpositions was Abigail McIlvain in fifth place. brPayton Wichman (6th), Rachel Nguyen (7th),brKatherine McElaney (9th), Jenna Holland (12th) and AlexabrKarmis (14th) completed the top 10 positions for the Lady Dragons.
In two weeks, thebrSouthlake Carroll Cross Country varsity teams will compete at Mae Simmons Parkbrin Lubbock in the highly competitive Regional Meet.
For complete race results,brgo to