Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
The impact of not getting enough sleep andbrthe right kind of sleep can have devastating consequences on the humanbrbody. Sleep is a necessity for normalbrbodily function and is a necessary function for both psychological and physiologicalbrhealth.
Society has embraced the technology boom, butbrthe human body is taking a beating for it. brOver the past 40 years, there has been a significant change in thebramount of sleep that Americans have been getting. While adults averaged 8.5 hours per night inbr1960, recent research shows that they now average about 1.5 hours less.
The Lack of Sleep
Maybe the most recognized side effectbrof sleep deprivation is a decrease in mental functions. Learning and memory are greatly reduced whenbrpeople miss getting a good night of sleep. brThe brain needs to rest in order for it to take in new information.
Sleeping is also a vital part of maintaining abrproper weight because it allows the body to process carbohydrates and alsobrhelps maintain proper levels of hormones that are responsible for appetitebrcontrol. The University of Chicagobrconducted a study on sleep and obesity. brThey found that subjects that slept for 4 hours a night for two nightsbrin a row had a change in hormone levels. brLeptin, a hormone that tells the brain that it is full, was decreased bybr18%. Ghrelin, a hormone that triggers hunger was increased 28%.
The body repairs cells and tissuesbrwhile we sleep, helping maintain a young looking outward appearance. When you miss sleep, your body is unable tobrproperly manage endocrine function, which in turn speeds up the clock andbrcauses premature aging. Not only willbrthe appearance of aging be more noticeable, age related illnesses will be morebrlikely to occur. Sleep is also necessary for the production and function of thebrbody's T-cells, which are necessary for fighting off cancer.
A Word on Snoring
Snoring is caused by the tissue in the back of your throatbrvibrating when air is moving from the mouth and nose to the lungs. Snoring can disrupt sleep patterns because abrperson may wake themselves up. In somebrcases, snoring is a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, a serious problem wherebrthe patient stops breathing during sleep. brThe lack of oxygen to the brain can greatly increase the risk for heartbrattack and stroke. If you snore, a sleepbrstudy is in order.
Overall, the importance of good sleep can't be stressedbrenough. The right amount of sleep, inbrthe right environment, with the highest quality of deep sleep will help preventbrdisease and lead to a healthier body, mind, and spirit.
Getting 7.5 hours of uninterruptedbrsleep each night is ideal. This meansbrfalling and staying asleep. Below arebrsome tips that help improve sleep:
· brAvoid alcohol and tobacco
· brEliminate caffeine or limit it to the morningbrhours
· brKeep the bedroom cool, around 68-71°
· brGo for an evening walk at least 2 hours beforebrretiring
· brAvoid light from the computer or phone at leastbr2 hours before retiring.
About the Author:
Judy Gaman is a health and wellnessbrexpert at Executive Medicine of Texas.brShe has authored several books on health, including Age to Perfection: How to Thrive to 100,brHappy, Healthy, and Wise. She also co-hosts the nationally syndicated Staying Young Show. You can learn morebrby going to