We can all appreciate abrbeautiful spring day, perfect for jogging outside and taking in the scenery. However,brwhen the summer months roll around in Texas, it becomes unbearable andbrdangerous at times to be caught outdoors exercising for extended hours.
Heading to a studio,brwhich offers the sweet relief of air conditioning, is a great option all yearbraround. Your heart rate can climb, sweat start to pour, but you're not inbrdanger of passing out from heat stroke. Making your way to a studio can alsobroffer extra motivation to those who need it to make their workouts happen. Thebrsocial environment of group workouts plus the added push from your personalbrtrainer ensure a safe and effective workout.
Along with thebraccountability, proper hydration is imperative in Texas. Having the ability tobrfill your water bottle on demand, keeps those hydration levels up, andbrguarantees a great workout from start to finish.
Orangetheory Fitnessbroffers these things and more. Come for a great burn, and leave feelingbrinvigorated, motivated and inspired. Our topnotch trainers will make sure youbrare safe and challenged on a daily basis, with new workouts each time.brOrangetheory Fitness is a complete heart-rate based workout, which means it canbrbe done by anyone, meeting them at their current fitness level. Your firstbrclass is always free. Click here to get signed up today!
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