by Chris Guinn
The Dragon Band traveled south to San Antonio in early November to compete in the Bands of America Super Regional Competition and also the State UIL competition with their show Aquarium. The show is aquatic themed with backdrops of an ocean and set pieces from a submarine, crabs, fish, and delighting fans with bubbles churning from a treasure chest.
The first competition was Saturday, November 9th in the Bands of America competition, they competed against some of the best bands in the country and finished thirty-first out of sixty-nine bands participating.
The Dragon band then had only one rest day before they once again invaded the Alamodome for the UIL State Marching Competition, their second in four years, and sixteenth overall. Our guys and gals in green had a good showing finishing twenty-eighth against the top 6A bands in the State of Texas. Other notable finishes were Coppell and Keller High Schools who finished eighth and thirteenth place respectively, at the UIL State Marching Competition.
With playoff football now upon us, the band’s halftime show will now transform into the fan favorite LIDS for the remainder of the marching season. The Dragon Band wishes the Football team best of luck as they start their playoff run and look forward to playing “Hey Baby” all the way to the state finals.
When not on the sidelines for football, The Dragon Band will break down into it’s smaller units including their ensembles, and jazz bands, for the winter concert season. The Color Guard transforms into Winter Guard with the Varsity team competing in Dayton, Ohio in April for the Winter Guard International World Championships. Carroll Indoor Percussion will also compete in Winter Guard International World Championships in Dayton, Ohio.