By: Alecia Delaney, LME, CAC III, LHRT, LSO
MedicalbrAesthetician, Cosmetic Injector
HormonalbrHealth, Wellness & Aesthetic Centers
From collagen builders to nosebrsculptors, the latest injectables are making Botox look like child's play.
Cosmetic specialist wielding needlesbraren't simply, as one doctor put it, “wrinkle chasers” anymore. With highlybrevolved perspectives on what truly constitutes a youthful look, specialists arebrnow injecting a host of compounds to lift, mold, and contour. Most visits lastbrno more than an hour, and recovery times are equally swift. It's enough to makebra scalpel seem downright crude. So who's shooting what where?
Reflation Revolution
According to Specialist all over when itbrcomes to aging, the main culprit is “deflation.” By age 50 or 60, she says,brmost of us have lost around 20 percent of our facial bone and fat, and as abrresult, our faces sag and look gaunt—not unlike a pillowcase over a shrunkenbrcushion.
To pump up the volume, we offer abrprocedure called Reflation. Unlike more superficial wrinkle-erasing treatments, Reflationentails injecting a filler such as a hyaluronic acid– PerlaneÒ
or RestylaneÒ, ArtefillÒ, or RadiesseÒ,well beneath the dermal layer, where it sits on top of the bone and props thebrskin up, especially beneath the eyes, around the cheeks, at the nasolabialbrfolds, and—most efficaciously, at the temples.
Aging temples?
Indeed! They sink over time, and evenbrthe most expertly done face can look “off” if the temples are left lying closebrto the skull. A total refill takes two or three visits, the results last forbrnine months to 10 years depending on the product chosen!
The Liquid Nose Job
The nose is not immune from the agingbrprocess: Over time it can droop and appear flatter and longer. Bonybrirregularities that were camouflaged by the thicker skin and lipid layer we hadbrin our 20s become more noticeable.
Now fillers—placed on top of the bone,brcartilage, or tip—can give an old nose a youthful boost. “Truly astonishing,” says Emily Weathers, a cosmetic patient of mine,bras long as the injector has a sculptor’s vision! A millimeter can make a hugebrchange. The in-office procedure can be completed in as little as half an hourbrand starts at $700—a universe apart from the traditional two-hour rhinoplasty,brwhich can set you back around $8,000.
Lip Service
They say a genuine smile never growsbrold—but try telling that to a cosmetic injector. Pointing out that as we age,brour lips lengthen horizontally and fine lines creep up above them, vertically.brThe upper lip also drifts down, hiding teeth. And those vertical lip lines?brCosmetic injectors are over the moon about BeloteroÒ Balance.brLike most fillers, it is FDA-approved for deep nasolabial folds, but doctorsbrare now using it for more-superficial lines—something that’s not possible withbrother fillers, which have a blue tinge that shows through skin if injectedbrclose to the surface. “It's like Photoshop,”brsays Miami dermatologist Leslie Baumann. “Thebrlines immediately plump up.” A session costs $650 to $750, with resultsbrlasting about six to nine months. »
Scalpel-Free Sculpting
As of this writing, ArtefillÒ
has enthusiasm from injectors can bebrheard from across the Atlantic. It hasbrcompletely changed our practice! This luxurious filler, can be injectedbrunder the muscle layer and massaged into the desired shape—offering abrscalpel-free way to attain a stronger chin or jaw line or more definedbrcheekbones. If you tried this withbrprevious fillers, you would have gotten big lumps. But ArtefillÒ
doesn't move! We can performbrtransformations in an astounding 15 to 30 minutes!
Callbrfor your FREE cosmetic Consultation today!
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