Time To Cut Your Losses With Your Freon AC Unit?
If you have an aging Freon central air conditioner that needs frequent repairs or struggles to keep your home cool, you may save money by replacing it now. It may be costing you far more than you realize.
The Dollar Cost
You may have been grudgingly absorbing repair costs, but if your old air conditioner should develop a refrigerant leak, the price of Freon will get your attention – $100 per pound or more currently. Depending on equipment size, the AC system may hold 6-12 pounds of Freon. The cost of Freon will only go up because Freon is no longer manufactured.
Finding and repairing a leak in an evaporator, condenser coil or in the compressor can be difficult and may cost more to repair than to replace, with replacement parts ranging from $1,500-$3,000.
Reduced Air Conditioner Efficiency
Any air conditioner’s efficiency drops off over time, causing electric bills to creep up, year-by-year. You may have noticed.
After 10 or 12 years your AC may be working at 50-60% of original efficiency. All Freon systems are in this age range because 2009 was the last year AC units using Freon were sold in the US.
Aside from the cost, consider an AC system running at reduced efficiency will not keep you as comfortable as a high-efficiency system.
Repair Or Replace?
Only you can decide whether the rising cost of fixing the old air conditioner, spiked by the rising cost and scarcity of Freon refrigerant, makes switching to a new system the cost-saving choice. Low-interest, flexible financing plans make the decision easier.
In addition, new, 16 and 18 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating) high-efficiency systems are so good at removing humidity that most people find they are comfortable setting the thermostat higher, for more savings.
Eighteen SEER and up units feature two-stage and variable-stage compressors that operate at high, low and intermediate speeds. They get less wear and tear than the old equipment, which usually runs full-out all the time. Equipment lasts longer when it runs less.
Special Price For Southlake Style Readers
If you decide to replace your old central air conditioning anytime now through the end of September 2020, please mention this article and tell us you want the special discounted price we are offering Southlake Style readers for this limited time.
Free Remote Video Diagnostic Service
If you suspect an AC problem, we can provide quick answers with our free, remote diagnostic service to determine if you need a service call by one of our AC technicians.
Go to billygo.com/schedule-appointment and then select AC REMOTE VIDEO DIAGNOSTIC in the drop-down menu just beneath the words, “What can we help you with?” Then follow the prompts. There are only two steps. You always get to schedule your own one-hour appointment window with billyGO!
Jeff Sims & Adam Mennenga