Bradd Pitt stars in Killing Them Softly opening this weekend.
Cruisin' into Harkins Southlake 14 Theatres this weekend isbrBrad Pitt's newest flick, “Killing Them Softly,” a dramedy about gangsters withbra vengeance filled with a star-studded cast.
Brad Pitt stars as Jackie Cogan, an enforcer brought in bybrthe mob to restore order to their crime circle after a trio of dumb street criminalsbrrob a mob-protected card game, sending the criminal economy into a state ofbrhavoc. Cogan is not your typical hitman- he prefers to kill from a distance andbravoid any chance for his victims to beg for mercy, a method he calls “killingbrthem softly.” But as he gets closer to his targets, Frankie (Scott McNairy), JohnnybrAmato (Vincent Curatola) and Russell (Ben Mendelsohn), Cogan begins to realizebrthat he may need to call in backup and calls in an old acquaintance hitman thatbrturns out to be a drunk, lazy man that may not be up for the job as Cogan hadbrhoped. Given this film's rating, be surebrto drop the kiddos off at Harkins PlayCenter, where entertaining your child isbrless than the cost of a movie ticket.
Also re-opening this weekend at Harkins Southlake 14 Theatresbris the modern classic, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” starring Jim Carrey.brThis is one of many films in Harkins Theatres' Classics Series. Perfect way tobrkick off the holiday season! If you're a frequent movie-goer at HarkinsbrTheatres, be sure to check out the Loyalty cup and t-shirt for savings all yearbrlong.