Submitted by Shonda Schaefer
Ordinarily December is the month GRACE receives its largest giftsbrof cash contributions which help sustain the organization during the leaner springbrand summer months. However, to date, GRACEbrhas only received about 17% of its budgeted contributions which is, accordingbrto GRACE Executive Director Shonda Schaefer, “very disturbing and quitebrworrisome!”
Since September, the number of new clients has climbed 19% overbrlast year during the same time frame. Thisbrincrease translates to thousands of dollars in additional requests for rent andbremergency assistance each month.
While material donations for the Food Pantry and Clothing Room arebrsteady and much appreciated, the volume of new clients demand that GRACE hasbrfunds to purchase the additional food, clothing and other basic needs tobrprovide for these beleaguered families.
Quite simply, GRACE is struggling and needs your help. If youbrare thinking of making a charitable gift to GRACE, please do so as soon as If you've made a gift to GRACE this year, then please consider givingbranother gift to help them through this very critical time.
Schaefer sums up the spirit of GRACE when she says, “In our 25bryears, we have been so fortunate in believing--and have been proven time andbrtime again--that the Lord will provide for this mission. Given the timesbrand economic conditions, please let Him guide your generous hand. Pleasebrgive so that we can help all of those who come to GRACE.”
You can support those in need in Northeast Tarrant County by making a donation directly to Grapevine Relief And Community Exchange.